
This litty challenge was highkey bussin bruh, on god, no cap fr fr. Sheeesh.

Yikes, what’s this mf challenge boutta be bruh?

We are given the following file:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define cap ???
#define lit ???
#define bussin ???
#define no ???
#define sus ???
#define fr ???
#define legit ???
#define finna ???
#define be ???
#define boutta ???
#define bruh ???
#define deadass ???
#define yikes ???
#define ongod ???
#define clean ???
#define yeet ???
#define mf ???
#define tryna ???
#define tho ???
#define respectfully ???
#define like ???
#define lackin ???
#define poppin ???
#define drip ???
#define rn ???
#define chill ???
#define af ???
#define lowkey ???
#define sheeeesh ???
#define lookin ???
#define downbad ???
#define playin ???
#define wack ???
#define dub ???
#define highkey ???

legit brutus ongod clean mf x af
    clean val lookin cap fr
    poppin ongod lit i lookin cap fr i lowkey 11 fr i playin af
        val lookin val dub 5 fr
    mf x lookin val fr fr
    boutta ongod val lowkey 104 af
        val playin fr
    mf ongod x dub bussin af lookin val fr fr
    val lookin val wack 2 fr
    mf ongod x dub 2 af lookin val fr
    mf ongod x dub 3 af lookin val dub 3 fr
    lit two lookin 2 fr
    val lookin val lackin two mf ongod 3 dub two lackin 4 af dub 3 fr
    mf ongod x dub 5 af lookin val fr
    lit six lookin 6 fr
    val lookin val mf two lackin two fr
    mf ongod x dub 6 af lookin val fr fr
    val lookin ongod val lackin six af wack two fr
    mf ongod x dub 7 af lookin val fr
    poppin ongod lit i lookin cap fr i lowkey six; i playin af
        val playin fr
    mf ongod x dub 8 af lookin val fr

legit kinda ongod clean mf y af
    clean val lookin 109 fr
    poppin ongod lit i lookin cap fr i lowkey 9 fr i playin af
        tryna ongod i be 2 af
            chill fr
        tryna ongod i be 8 af finna
            y yeet ongod bussin dub bussin af lackin ongod 2 wack 2 af mf 2 rn lookin val wack ongod bussin dub bussin af lackin 6;
        tryna ongod i be 4 af finna
            lit ten lookin 10 fr
            val lookin val dub ongod bussin dub bussin af mf ten lackin ongod bussin lackin cap af fr
            mf y lookin val downbad fr
            lit j lookin 10 fr fr
            y playin fr
            respectfully finna
                val downbad fr
                j downbad fr
            tho boutta ongod j highkey cap af fr
        tryna ongod i be cap af finna
            mf y lookin val fr
            lit j lookin bussin lackin bussin fr
            boutta ongod j lowkey 7 af finna
                val downbad fr
                j lookin j dub bussin fr
            y playin fr fr
        tryna ongod i be 5 like i be 6 af finna
            val lookin val wack 2 fr
            mf y lookin val fr
            y lookin y dub bussin fr
            val lookin val mf 2 fr fr
        tryna ongod i be 3 af finna
            lit a lookin y yeet lackin bussin rn fr
            val lookin a dub bussin dub bussin dub bussin fr
            mf y lookin val fr
            y playin fr
        tryna ongod i be 7 af finna
            y playin fr
            poppin ongod lit j lookin 4 fr j highkey cap fr j downbad af finna
                val lookin val dub j wack j fr
            y yeet cap rn lookin val fr
            y downbad fr
        tryna ongod i be bussin af finna
            boutta ongod cap af finna
                val lookin val mf ongod bussin dub bussin af fr fr
                sheeeesh ongod "you thought\n" af fr
            mf y lookin val playin fr
            y lookin y dub 2 fr

legit wilin ongod clean mf z bruh lit n af
    tryna ongod no n af
        deadass fr
    lit val lookin mf ongod z lackin bussin af fr fr
    mf z lookin ongod n be 4 af sus val mf 2 lackin 1
        drip ongod n be 2 af sus ongod val dub 5 af wack 2
        drip ongod n be 6 af sus val dub 15
        drip ongod n be bussin af sus val mf 2 dub 8
        drip ongod n be 3 af sus val dub 4
        drip val wack 2 lackin 7 fr
    wilin ongod playin z bruh downbad n af fr fr

lit main ongod af
    clean flag yeet rn lookin "buckeye{__________________________}" fr
    brutus ongod flag dub 8 af fr
    kinda ongod flag dub 18 af fr fr
    wilin ongod flag dub 28 bruh 6 af fr

    sheeeesh ongod "%s\n" bruh flag af fr
    deadass cap fr

Essentially, we simply need to find all of the #defines made at the top of the file and fill them in, and then we can simply run the file and we should get the flag! This is basically an aristocrat cipher but in code!

We finna start with main

We start off with the obvious ones. Based on the structure of the code, we can get the following two mappings:

  • finna → {
  • tho → }

Also, we know that the signature of the main function at the bottom of the file should be int main (), meaning:

  • lit → int
  • ongod → (
  • af → )

We can also guess that deadass cap fr in the last line should become return 0;.

After making these substitutions, we have the following main function:

int main () {
    clean flag yeet rn lookin "buckeye{__________________________}" ;
    brutus ( flag dub 8 ) ;
    kinda ( flag dub 18 ) ; ;
    wilin ( flag dub 28 bruh 6 ) ;

    sheeeesh ( "%s\n" bruh flag ) ;
    return 0 ;

From here, we get a decent sense of the structure of the code: clean flag yeet rn lookin "buckeye{__________________________}" ; holds the flag, we call 3 functions to populate the actual flag itself, and then we should print out the flag. Thus, clean flag yeet rn lookin "buckeye{__________________________}" ; should become char flag [ ] = "buckeye{__________________________}" ;.

Similarly, since sheeeesh ( "%s\n" bruh flag ) ; is simply printing the flag at the end, this should map to printf ( "%s\n" , flag ) ;.

This turns main into:

int main ( )
    char flag [ ] = "buckeye{__________________________}" ;
    brutus ( flag dub 8 ) ;
    kinda ( flag dub 18 ) ; ;
    wilin ( flag dub 28 , 6 ) ;

    printf ( "%s\n" , flag ) ;
    return 0 ;

Since flag is a pointer, it is clear that we are doing some pointer arithmetic here, and since making dub map to - would likely result in a SEGFAULT, we fill in:

  • dub → +

kinda is kinda sus, respectfully

We now bring our attention to kinda:

legit kinda ( char mf y )
    char val = 109 ;
    poppin ( int i = 0 ; i lowkey 9 ; i playin )
        tryna ( i be 2 )
            chill ;
        tryna ( i be 8 ) {
            y [ ( bussin + bussin ) lackin ( 2 wack 2 ) mf 2 ] = val wack ( bussin + bussin ) lackin 6;
        tryna ( i be 4 ) {
            int ten = 10 ;
            val = val + ( bussin + bussin ) mf ten lackin ( bussin lackin 0 ) ;
            mf y = val downbad ;
            int j = 10 ; ;
            y playin ;
            respectfully {
                val downbad ;
                j downbad ;
            } boutta ( j highkey 0 ) ;
        tryna ( i be 0 ) {
            mf y = val ;
            int j = bussin lackin bussin ;
            boutta ( j lowkey 7 ) {
                val downbad ;
                j = j + bussin ;
            y playin ; ;
        tryna ( i be 5 like i be 6 ) {
            val = val wack 2 ;
            mf y = val ;
            y = y + bussin ;
            val = val mf 2 ; ;
        tryna ( i be 3 ) {
            int a = y [ lackin bussin ] ;
            val = a + bussin + bussin + bussin ;
            mf y = val ;
            y playin ;
        tryna ( i be 7 ) {
            y playin ;
            poppin ( int j = 4 ; j highkey 0 ; j downbad ) {
                val = val + j wack j ;
            y [ 0 ] = val ;
            y downbad ;
        tryna ( i be bussin ) {
            boutta ( 0 ) {
                val = val mf ( bussin + bussin ) ; ;
                printf ( "you }ught\n" ) ;
            mf y = val playin ;
            y = y + 2 ;

Since there is no return statement, we know legit should map to void. Also, based on the syntax of poppin ( int i = 0 ; i lowkey 9 ; i playin ), we can guess that this should result in for (int i = 0; i lowkey 9; i++). At this point, it is not clear whether lowkey should be < or <=, so we leave it as is.

We can also see that since the parameter being passed in is char mf y, this should become char * y.

Now, based on the structure of the body of this for loop we have, we can tell that tryna should be if, meaning we have a bunch of conditional blocks. It would then make sense that be maps to ==, and after filling those in, we have if ( i == 5 like i == 6 ), meaning that like is probably ||. Side note: we assumed that the final code wouldn’t attempt to trick us too much, so like wouldn’t be && which wouldn’t make sense. Using this assumption, we also assumed that,

if ( i == 2 )
    chill ;

should be a continue statement, since it wouldn’t make much sense if this were a break instead.

We now bring our attention to this if block:

if ( i == 4 ) {
    int ten = 10 ;
    val = val + ( bussin + bussin ) * ten lackin ( bussin lackin 0 ) ;
    * y = val downbad ;
    int j = 10 ; ;
    y ++ ;
    respectfully {
        val downbad ;
        j downbad ;
    } boutta ( j highkey 0 ) ;

Examining the syntax here, we decided that respectfully and boutta are forming a do-while loop, as there is not other possibility to match this syntax. Thus, since j is initialized to 10, it would only make sense if downbad is -- and highkey is either >= or >, though we don’t decide on which of these two just yet.

Here is the entire function at this point:

void kinda ( char * y )
    char val = 109 ;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i lowkey 9 ; i ++ )
        if ( i == 2 )
            continue ;
        if ( i == 8 ) {
            y [ ( bussin + bussin ) lackin ( 2 wack 2 ) * 2 ] = val wack ( bussin + bussin ) lackin 6;
        if ( i == 4 ) {
            int ten = 10 ;
            val = val + ( bussin + bussin ) * ten lackin ( bussin lackin 0 ) ;
            * y = val -- ;
            int j = 10 ; ;
            y ++ ;
            do {
                val -- ;
                j -- ;
            } while ( j highkey 0 ) ;
        if ( i == 0 ) {
            * y = val ;
            int j = bussin lackin bussin ;
            while ( j lowkey 7 ) {
                val -- ;
                j = j + bussin ;
            y ++ ; ;
        if ( i == 5 || i == 6 ) {
            val = val wack 2 ;
            * y = val ;
            y = y + bussin ;
            val = val * 2 ; ;
        if ( i == 3 ) {
            int a = y [ lackin bussin ] ;
            val = a + bussin + bussin + bussin ;
            * y = val ;
            y ++ ;
        if ( i == 7 ) {
            y ++ ;
            for ( int j = 4 ; j highkey 0 ; j -- ) {
                val = val + j wack j ;
            y [ 0 ] = val ;
            y -- ;
        if ( i == bussin ) {
            while ( 0 ) {
                val = val * ( bussin + bussin ) ; ;
                printf ( "you }ught\n" ) ;
            * y = val ++ ;
            y = y + 2 ;

At this point, we know that lackin and wack are operators, and given that we have used + and * already, we make the cautious assumtion that the mappings are all unique, so we have - and / left. Based on the usage of both, we guessed that neither was %. We make the guess that lackin is - and wack is /.

Also, we see that the conditional blocks cover the cases for i equal to anything 2-8 or 0, meaning bussin is likely either 1 or 9 depending on the condition for the loop. Here, we make the guess that bussin is 1 and that lowkey is <, meaning 9 is not a possible value for i. Similarly, we make the guess that highkey is >.

This challenge is lowkey wilin rn bruh

Almost done! After removing all the #defines we had already filled in, all that was left was,

#define no ???
#define sus ???
#define yikes ???
#define drip ???

We noticed that yikes was actually not used anywhere, so with that gone, our attention was now brought to wilin:

void wilin ( char * z , int n )
    if ( no n )
        return ;
    int val = * ( z - 1 ) ; ;
    * z = ( n == 4 ) sus val * 2 - 1
        drip ( n == 2 ) sus ( val + 5 ) / 2
        drip ( n == 6 ) sus val + 15
        drip ( n == 1 ) sus val * 2 + 8
        drip ( n == 3 ) sus val + 4
        drip val / 2 - 7 ;
    wilin ( ++ z , -- n ) ; ;

We see here that no is acting as a unary operator on an int inside the conditional for a conditional block. There are only a few possibilities for what this could be, the most likely of which is !, so went with that for now.

Here is the updated function, with only drip and sus left to be filled in:

void wilin ( char * z , int n )
    if ( ! n )
        return ;
    int val = * ( z - 1 ) ; ;
    * z = ( n == 4 ) sus val * 2 - 1
        drip ( n == 2 ) sus ( val + 5 ) / 2
        drip ( n == 6 ) sus val + 15
        drip ( n == 1 ) sus val * 2 + 8
        drip ( n == 3 ) sus val + 4
        drip val / 2 - 7 ;
    wilin ( ++ z , -- n ) ; ;

After racking our brains for a bit, we realized that the different equality checks and the recursion meant that drip and sus together were forming the conditional ternary operator, and these were actually being chained together! Since sus comes before drip, we let sus become ? and drip become :.

We got the dub, stop playin! Sheeesh!

We ran the final program and our output was:


At this point the flag worked, but we also ran a few other tests with <= and >= for lowkey and highkey and ~ instead of ! for no, just out of curiosity. The resulting programs either threw exceptions or gave incorrect flags.


I enjoyed this challenge a lot and thought it was a lot of fun. It definitely reminded me of aristocrat ciphers I used to do for other competitions; however here, we have the advantage of code structure and syntax giving us additional clues on what different words could actually mean. I liked the challenge a lot and thought it was a bit of a refreshing break from the more “standard” CTF challenges.


Abi Kothapalli

Abi studies Computer Science and Mathematics at Vanderbilt. He is interested in some useless stuff like algorithms, combinatorial optimization, mathematical ML, and some other random junk too. He also has over half a dozen social media accounts but has not and never will post anything.

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