Vulnerability Scanner

Scanner? Buddy!

In this challenge, we’re presented with a vulnerability scanner, which we can use to scan for open ports at an IP.

Image of the challenge website

Here’s what the scanner is doing internally:

post '/' do
input_service = escape_shell_input(params[:service])
hostname, port = input_service.split ':', 2
    if valid_ip? hostname and valid_port? port
        # Service up?
        s = TCPSocket.new(hostname, port.to_i)
        # Assuming valid ip and port, this should be fine
        puts "nmap -p #{port} #{hostname}"
        @scan_result = IO.popen("nmap -p #{port} #{hostname}").read
        @scan_result = "Invalid input detected, aborting scan!"

Okay, so we’re just inserting text into an nmap command. Should be simple enough to exploit, right? Well, it would be… except some characters are being escaped by the function on the second line:

space, $, \`, ", |, &, ;, <, >, (, ), ', \n, *`

So that’s a lot, but it’s definitely not everything. Although it looks like we won’t be able to chain commands to run something else in addition to nmap, we can still exploit nmap to do some things it shouldn’t.

The first problem to get around is adding additional arguments to the nmap call. After all, spaces are escaped, right? And this is true… but they forgot about tabs. So we can just use tabs instead of spaces.

The next problem to tackle is what file reading technique to use. See, the flag is stored in a file at a randomized path, and there are a number of ways to get nmap to read files, from using nmap scripts like http-put to upload files to a remote server, to using a file as a list of places to scan, and more. We started with the second one because it seemed easier, and ended up with a payload like this:

# Tabs changed to spaces for readability --excludefile /flag-????????????????????????????????.txt

This turns into the following nmap command:

nmap -p 80 --excludefile /flag-????????????????????????????????.txt

And if you just run this on a computer, it’ll give you some great output:

Starting Nmap 7.93 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-09-08 20:34 UTC
Error resolving name "sekai{flag}": Name or service not known


This doesn’t work if you run it on the website, though:

Image of the challenge website, showing just a starting nmap output and nothing else

It seems that this error is sent to stderr, but the scanner website only sends output from stdout. So, what can we do? Well, after some documentation reading, we realized that we can route all output to stdout:

# Tabs changed to spaces for readability --excludefile /flag-????????????????????????????????.txt -oN	- stdout

And there’s our flag!

Image of the challenge website, showing the flag

We actually “solved” this challenge hours before we actually did – we had the right payload from the beginning, but we used “\t” in the input box instead of actual tabs because people on our team didn’t set up the Docker container for the challenge and created our own reproduction instead. Lesson learned! :)



Nisala is a Vanderbilt University CS graduate. He works at Neuralink as a software engineer, and founded baseline, a non-profit journaling platform.

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