Broken Converter & flag Mono

A two-part CTF challenge!

Step 1: The Problem

This question is a double problem, with the same file giving us the flag for two different CTF challenges. The file is called Assignment-broken.xps.

The first question was Broken Converter, which had the following prompt:

Miku has finally finished her assignment and is ready to submit it – but for some reason, the school requires all assignments to be submitted as .xps files. Miku found a converter online and used the converted file for submission. The file looked good at first, but it seems as if there’s something broken in the converter. Can you help her figure out what is wrong?

The second question was flag Mono, which had this prompt:

When writing the assignment, Miku used a font called flag Mono. Despite it looking just like a regular monospaced font, it claims itself to be “stylistic” in various ways.

“Perhaps there’s something special about it”, Miku thought.

Step 2: Initial Steps

To start off, we’re given a Assignment-broken.xps file.

With some searching we figured out that XPS stands for “Open XML Paper Specification,” which is similar to a .pdf file. To open it on a Windows Computer, we can use the reader that Microsoft provides for us in Settings -> Apps -> Optional Features -> XPS Viewer.

After opening up the file, we saw looks something like this:

XPS File

With some searching, we figured out that the XPS file format is just a zip file in disguise (like how a .jar file is just a .zip file). So we can change the extension of the file and then extract it.

Once we extracted it we got this file structure:

├── Documents
│   └── 1
│       ├── FixedDoc.fdoc
│       └── Pages
│           ├── 1.fpage
│           └── _rels
│               └── 1.fpage.rels
├── FixedDocSeq.fdseq
├── Resources
│   └── 02F30FAD-6532-20AE-4344-5621D614A033.odttf
├── [Content_Types].xml
├── _rels
└── docProps
    ├── core.xml
    └── thumbnail.jpeg

Step 3: Making Sense of the Files

When we were playing around with the file, we tried copy-pasting the file contents into another file. When doing this, we saw that the copied contents didn’t at all match the content we saw when viewing the file.

Instead of Lorem Ipsum Dolar …, we get:

2sv3r *t,xr 4sBsv &9w )r3wG -sO,38w3wxv )M9t9,89O$ 'B9wG &3M 4s '9x,rsM ?3rtsv *O89M9MxOw gw 26nsv3 
'w 4sBsv3 06$O6 1B9ux6L 4sO38 'O9r 496r hxBtxw6w3 gw Do6v3wv6 A9w S[I )r3w )B9ux6r # T:/L7_ .9,x, fx9,
h6v|x, fx6r fx9,ux3 *M 496rL ?xvt9, >xO8 '$3w 2sv3rY 4sBsv &3M P h9y3vv6 *t,xr >xO8K 2snsvp9, W\%]NX
&83B3v9,ux3 <3vr3Owxr ex9 C6x89nx, *O =vO6v3 fx6rL <3B9{ '$3w (xO8 2snsv!9, 06ww9,L 2snsvw9, <3x$96w 
h9y6rx, )w R)x$x3 '$3wR )v8x 498wxr h6v9xV,L 'w96r >s} fx6r i68x, b IU @ ^U &x,t3OM9,,3L 29$xB6 HBB6r8svt3vm,
06B3,x6M6 Dvsq9O 29n3vsl >xO8 EsO,3ux6w` >9,9 &83B3v9,ux3 'x gBwv983, h9w6dL 26sv33w &x,t3O;M9,,3 *Ow3vzxr
-sO,38w3wxv 29n3vsL 2sv3r *t,xr 4sBsv &9w )r3w -sO,38w3wxvL gBwv9893, ?v9,w9ux3 Z >xBB6 )B9ux3w 'O9r ?svwsv 
)w )x8wsv gvO6L )w 'B3r3Owxr 'x <689B9,9, F3M =M9s 0svn9 fx9,L

Y 'w6, j)r3w".9,x,k >xBB6r '$3w <3B9, '$3w >xO8L  l <689B9,9 0svn9 ?3rtx, a*68xB9, gvO6c *M hsBxwt6wL

~ + 'B9w )w *rt3vM93w 4x9 )88xr,6O J &9w )r3w >xBB6 <689B9,9 Q ~

Hmm… Interesting. It seems like the font is messed up, and the symbols for each character do not correspond to what we think they should (ex. it seems 2 goes to L, s to o, etc).

Looking back at the File Tree Directory we saw from earlier, it seems like the Documents/ directory is the file dir for every single page in the document. _rels, FixedDocSeq.fdseq and [Content_Types].xml seem to contain some property .xml files and then the docProps file gives us a thumbnail for the document.

The most interesting file here was 02F30FAD-6532-20AE-4344-5621D614A033.odttf, and with a quick google search, we found out that it was some sort of font file. Only thing is that it seems to be obfuscated, with the decryption key being somehow hidden inside the name of the file (02F30FAD-6532-20AE-4344-5621D614A033).

On Google, I was able to find a converter script to turn our obfuscated odtff font file into a more widely used tff file.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Credit to https://gist.github.com/dungsaga/ab8d2379bb566c9925b27df3bc82ca8b

import os
import sys

fn_in = sys.argv[1]
fn_out = os.path.splitext(sys.argv[1])[0] + '.ttf'
# Parse
key = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn_in))[0].replace('-', '')
# Convert to Int reversed
key_int = [int(key[i-2:i], 16) for i in range(32, 0, -2)]

with open(fn_in, 'rb') as fh_in, open(fn_out, 'wb') as fh_out:
    cont = fh_in.read()
    fh_out.write(bytes(b ^ key_int[i % len(key_int)] for i, b in enumerate(cont[:32])))

Running this script with the command python3 odtff_to_tff.py 02F30FAD-6532-20AE-4344-5621D614A033.odtff, we get a .tff file. Bingo.

Step 4: Playing With our Font File

To further investigate our .tff file, I used a font viewer I found online called FontDrop.

Dragging in our tff file, we can immediately find our first flag.

glyphs of our odtff file

Bingo: Flag 1 is SEKAI{sCR4MBLed_a5ci1-FONT+GlYPHZ,W3|!.d0n&}. It seems like for this flag, they just moved around the standard glyphs of ~!@#$%^&*()_+`1234567890-= … to make the flag.

For our second flag, we can again use this viewer to help us. If we try enabling different OpenType features (which in normal fonts are used when trying to type out different ligatures/font variants), we can get our next flag.

the second flag coming out of OpenType features Credit to duksCTF for the image

Here, the word “flag” is turned into different parts of the flag when different OpenType features/ligatures are enabled.

And there’s our second flag: SEKAI{OpenTypeMagicGSUBIsTuringComplete}.


Aryan Garg

Aryan Is A Man Who Loves Learning About Machine Learning Technologies In BlockChain To Help To Help Finding Fish Tumors To Generate Kubenernatre Containerized Decentralization Using 8 Dimensional Deep Tensor Learning With Complicated Hypercomputing Big Data

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